1. Where is the Records Office located? What are your hours?
The Records Office is located in the Saulsbury Campus Center at 201 W. University Blvd at the intersection of W. University Blvd and Robertson Ave. They follow the campus hours; for Fall and Spring semesters, they are open Monday through Thursday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm and Friday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. During Summer term, they are open Monday through Thursday 7:30 am - 5:30 pm and closed on Fridays.
2. How may I contact the Records Office?
They may be reached by phone (432) 335-6404, by fax (432) 335-6303, or by email Records@nigzob.com
3. What is FERPA? How do I allow someone access to my student records?
FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). It is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student academic records. Learn about your Academic Privacy. If you wish to allow a parent, spouse, or another person access to your academic information, you may complete the Grant Access (FERPA) form and provide your current legible state-issued ID. The designated person will also need to provide a photo ID for verification before accessing the student’s records. This access may be revoked at any time by completing the Revoke Access form.
FERPA rights are granted to parents of students under age 18 and transfer to the student when he or she turns 18 or enters a postsecondary institution. A student at Odessa College, regardless of age, retains FERPA rights for him- or herself, unless the student completes a FERPA Grant Access form for a parent or another individual.
Directory Information may be released without individual authorization, as it generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. If you wish to restrict release of your directory information, please complete the Disclosure Form.
4. How do I find my student ID number?
Your OC student ID number was included with your letter of acceptance (starting in August 2017), and is printed at the top of your schedule/invoice. To look up your ID number, please see these STEPS.
5. Where do I go to register?
Please start at the Wrangler Express Center in the Saulsbury Campus Center on the main campus at 201 W. University Blvd at Robertson Ave. They will assist you in getting started and guiding you to the proper areas.
6. How do I request a transcript?
Please visit our Transcript page to order a transcript. There are two links there: the first is used if you need a transcript mailed (paper only) and you know your student log in and password. Use the second link if you need a digital/electronic transcript, an overnight (FedEx) shipment of a paper transcript or if you do not know your student log in and password. You may also visit the Records Office in person to pick up a transcript.
7. What is the status of my transcript request?
You can check the status of your transcript request by logging in to Parchment.
8. How do I get an enrollment verification?
If your employer needs a verification, they must submit a request through the National Student Clearinghouse. If you need one for insurance or another school, you may request it through the Wrangler Portal, under Enrollment Verifications. Be sure to include the complete address to which it is to be mailed.
9. I need to change my schedule – who do I contact?
All registrations, including adding or dropping courses, are conducted with your Academic Success Coach (advisor). Please contact the Pathways Advising Center, located in the Saulsbury Campus Center, at (432) 335-6433 or by email to advising@nigzob.com to reach your Coach. NOTE: Courses are never dropped or added by phone, so an email to or a visit with your Coach is necessary.
There is a $25 schedule change fee for course changes after the start of the semester.
10. What happens if I don’t pay my bill?
All fees due for registration must be paid in full at the time designated for each semester in the class schedule. Students are responsible to drop or withdraw from any course the student does not pay for or does not intend to attend.
No longer attending class does not automatically constitute withdrawal from that class, nor does a student’s notification to an instructor that the student wishes to be dropped. Failure of a student to complete the drop/withdrawal process will result in a grade of “F.”
11. How do I get my transcript from another college evaluated for transfer credit?
Click here for the request form. Priority is given to students who have financial aid pending, need a course transferred in for TSI (Texas Success Initiative) requirements, or who are planning to complete a degree or certificate at Odessa College. Students should have earned 6 SCH at Odessa College before a full evaluation will be completed.
12. How do I find out what will transfer from OC to another college or university?
If you are transferring to another college or university in the state of Texas, refer to Texas Common Course Numbering System to find out how your OC credits compare with courses taken at other Texas schools. Use the matrix available at that site to pull up side-by-side comparisons of courses offered at each school. If you are planning to transfer, you should speak with your Academic Success Coach (advisor) at Odessa College as early as possible.
13. How do I change my name, address or contact information?
- I got married/divorced; how do I change my name? CLICK THIS FORM
You must provide the authentic court document (marriage or divorce certificate) that shows your prior name, a new social security card, and driver’s license showing your new or changed name.
- How do I change my address? CLICK HERE
- How do I update my new phone number or email address? Anyone in Student Services can assist you by phone. Just call (432) 335-6400. OR log into the Wrangler Portal and select user options to change your phone/email.
14. How do I change my residency status?
Please complete the form and bring all supporting documents for the last 12 months (if you are changing from an out-of-state status) or 6 months (if you are changing from an out-of-district status) to the Records Office. An application that is approved prior to the census date for the current term will affect the current term. After census date, it will affect the next sequential term.
15. How do I replace a grade?
Grades for courses taken at OC remain on your transcript, but if you repeat the same course at OC, you can request the prior grade to be removed from your GPA calculation. The most recent grade must remain on your transcript. To request a GPA update, please CLICK HERE.
16. How do I confirm for graduation?
Log in to Student Planner, click the Graduation tab and then click on the degree or certificate for which you are confirming. Complete the required information and click Submit.
The Graduation Advisor will email you within a few weeks about your specific status, so watch your student emails carefully! Graduation information is updated HERE.
17. How do I get a replacement certificate or diploma? I graduated from Odessa College.
Complete the attached form. There is a $15.00 fee per replacement item. Please call the OC Business office at (432) 335-6419 to pay the fee and write the receipt number on the form.
Please allow 48 hours for processing.
18. How can I look up my Texas Certificate of High School Equivalecy (TxCHSE/GED)?
For individuals who completed the TxCHSE (GED) in Texas, you can look up your verification and print it from this LINK. For other states, please look up your state education agency online to find the correct link. Please bring the verification to the Records Office during regular business hours.